
Monday, July 29, 2024

Longest Gap Ever

Hello everyone.

I wonder how many of you will even see my post? It as been so, so long since I was last on here. Life has been super busy and I need to take a break to concentrate on improving my mind and work. I took all of last year off from Scrapbooking to concentrate on study, I achieved a Master's in Capability and Technology. 😀 Which, if you know me, is a huge accomplishment - I am not the most technologically minded person, and mathematics is not my strong suit - but I passed with Credits!! I got offered the Masters as part of my career pathway, and this year, I have been posted to the Defence Space and Cyber College, which is a great place to work.  

Anyhoo, I just wanted to pop in and share what I have been up to scrap-wise as I only started scrapping again in May I have been a bit slow finding my mojo again, but am loving my creative time. Reflecting back I should have really of kept doing it last year, it might have saved my sanity a bit. 😂 

Whilst trying to get back into scrapbooking I saw a call for a Design Team on the Facebook Group - Craftin' Around the World Challenges and applied. Imagine my surprise when I get accepted. It is a fun little group and each month a new challenge is posted, here are my takes on the challenges.

May - Female or Patchwork:

Beautiful Sweet Girl
I tied the two themes for the challenge together and scrapped a photo of Bronte and created a patchworky background.

June: Song and Monochrome:
Every Day Moments
I used a light teal colour as my monochrome layout, which really complemented the photo of Bronte in the ocean. Love her cheeky smile in this photo.

Favourite Song - Mockingbird
Paige's favourite song right now is Mockingbird by Eminem, it has such an influence on her that she asked for an Eminem cake for her 13th Birthday.

July: Seasons, Feeling and Weather

Four Seasons. 

Isn't it funny how sometimes, as soon as you see a topic or challenge, you know straight away what you want to do? Well, that happened with this Season's theme for me; I knew I just had to use four different family photos for four different seasons. 

For the feelings challenge I had to scrap about Paige and how her blankie is her regulator to her feelings. From being wrapped in this blanket as a baby to carrying around small piece of it, now to this day, it helps her regulate her feelings and keeps her peaceful and calm.

Thanks for popping in, and I apologise for how long it has been, but be assured... I will be on here more regularly from now on. 


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