
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Serious Catch Up

I have been neglecting my blog lately...time just seems to be disappearing and I have been pretty busy elsewhere. But today I am dedicating to catching up and sharing a lot of my layouts that I have made in the last month. So this blog entry will be photo heavy and if you want to read more about each layout then just follow the link to the read all the details.

Memory Maze Catch Up

April was the month for Easter at Memory Maze. I created three layouts using some of the wonderful Easter Themed chipboard that Sally creates at Memory Maze. For more details on the product and how I have used them on these layouts click on the link and it will take you to my Memory Maze Blog entry.

Our Bunnies

 Delight in the Fun of Easter

 Sweet and Silly

May is the month for Mothers and at Memory Maze we celebrated our Mothers or our own relationships with our own children. I create three layout to share two about my Mum and one about how much I love my two daughters. For more details on the layout pop on over to the Memory Maze Blog.

Happy Moment

Love You Mum

Love Being the Mum to These Happy Faces

If you follow this link to the Memory Maze blog you can read all about my layouts and how I used each product.

Mystical Scrapbooks Catch Up 

There have been cybercrops, lessons and challenges happening over at Mystical Scrapbooks over the last two months that I have to catch you up on.

April Lesson - These are the Days

April Challenge - A Great Day

 April Cybercrop - Sweet Happy Childhood

May is only halfway through so I can only show you my cybercrop layouts (you will have to watch the Mystical Scrapbook Blog for my lesson and challenge), but I actually got all three challenges done this month which is a bonus for me....more pages to add to my albums, it was pretty easy I admit...they were sketch challenges which are super fast to get done.

My Challenge - Ride of your Life

Sketch by Scrap Circle

 Dale's Challenge - Bounce

Sketch by Page Maps

Jane's Challenge - Beary Cute

Sketch by Page Maps
I did scrap a few more layouts over the past months...but I am not allowed to show those, but watch our for them they will soon turn up.

1 comment:

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wow!! You have been busy!! These are all gorgeous!!!!