
Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Counterfeit Kit Blog Challenge

Well this month I am going to join in on the Counterfeit Kit Challenge (well I plan on doing it) so I spent a few minutes this morning pulling and making up my kit.
There are two brightly coloured kits to choose from this month. I picked the Clique Kits "Clique into Summer" Kit - love the wood grain, the colours and that 'hello' scripted paper.

Using this kit as inspiration I rifled through my stash to see what I could come up with. I tried to stick to a similar colour scheme and I also used the woodgrain for inspiration.


- these are the bright and bold papers I picked for the kit

The Woodgrain

- I pulled all the woodgrain I had in my stash

The Script Font

- The 'hello' script on the one of the papers in the Clique Kit inspired me to find my script fonts, stickers, tags and papers to add them in.


- Now I couldn't really see many embellishments in the Clique Kit - But I know how I scrap and without any embellishments I would be out of my I colour co-ordinated with the papers and pulled a ton of them.

Bits and Pieces

- Last but not least I had to add some stickers and cut-apart sheets as there are some in the Clique Kit and also I have been doing a bit of pocket pages who know what I will create.
 It is one might big kit and now it is sitting in pride of place on my scrapping desk calling my name. Let me know what you think.


Chidkid said...

Wow, wow, wow..that's huge! Cannot wait to see what you do with it all.. No

Angela Toucan said...

looks like a huge kit you've pulled together there, and I like all that wood grain you've got. Have fun scrapping with it.

Unknown said...

way kewlio

Jimjams said...

Lovely, lovely take on the inspiration kit - I want it myself!!! Have fun x

Tina Campbell said...

Wow that is a cool kit! I love what you pulled together looks like alot of fun! Looking forward to see what you build with it

Stephanie said...

wow, what a stunning kit! I love how you documented your process for pulling items together, very inspiring! Can't wait to see your pages this month xx

Lesley G said...

I want that kit in my craft room please :) Love it, bright colours, so Summery :)

Virginia said...

Wow that is a fabulous kit!!!!!!

Sassy Breese said...

Love all those bright colours. You have so many cool things in that kit. Hope it brings you much joy.

Margie said...

Wow, that kit is so pretty! Love it!