
Wednesday, April 18, 2007


There is a new scrapbooking blog out that is a great idea for inspiration. It is called Aussie Scrapjacked - it focuses on an Aussie Scrapbooker every month and the idea is to get ideas and inspiration from that scrapbooker - create a LO based on her style and upload it to the blog. It is great for the times when the Mojo runs out or you have a scrapping block!!! Here is the link to the blog
Well I decided to give it ago and see what I could come up with. The very first Aussie Scrapbooker to be scraped jacked is Erica Glover - she makes jacking her LOs so easy as she is a fantastic scrapper. I decided to not scrapjack the LO that the girls on the blog refered too, instead I found these two LOs of Ericas "One More Time" and Line Lover in the Scrapboxx website gallery and have combined them to create the LO 1st Time Mum.
It is all about me at 7 months pregnant and what I think I will be like as a 1st time mum.
Wow only 2 months to go until this little bump is here. This is also my first real pregnancy LO and photo as until two weeks ago I wasn't showing - then all of a sudden over night POP!!! Out she came!.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How nice to see "baby"... can't wait to see her for real...