Another one of those days when Little Miss B gets into everything. I ducked off to put a load of washing on and look what I found when I came back - a wall drawn all over. Not a bad drawing mind you, but not in the location that I want to encourage. So as punishment Bronte got to clean off the wall......I think she enjoyed that more than actually drawing on the wall. Lucky for her the pen was a waterbased one and it came off really easy.

Naughty baby Bronte... Thank goodness Daddy was away!!!!! LOL...
Love those piggy tales... but they arn't curling much??? hahaha...
Aunty jodi...
Hi Tracey, that could SO BE my Alana. She has drawn all over the bedroom doors upstairs in permanent pen which will not come off, it has sunk into the gloss paint some how. And then there's my loungeroom which has paint worn spots from me scrubbing all the marks off. I'm over it and and am resigned to the fact that until she is old enough to reason with, my house will have graffiti in several places. Let's just hope she's a budding designer and will makes heaps one day LOL!!!
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